The Goomalling Residents and Ratepayers Association Working Party has been set up to do a feasibility study as to whether a Ratepayers Association is desirable for the community of Goomalling.

If the answer is yes, it is hoped that such an organisation can foster a closer working relationship between the Shire of Goomalling and the Residents and Ratepayers it serves.

We hope a Residents and Ratepayers Association can:

1. Help educate people in local civic matters

2. Provide a potential training ground for future coucillors.

3. Provide useful feedback and reporting to the Shire of Goomalling about ratepayer feelings on various issues

4. Provide advice and support to Residents and Ratepayers who are dealing with the Shire of Goomalling.


A.B. Harris - Working Party Spokesman 15 September 2021